
Baptism is a symbol of God’s wonderful love for us as human beings. The church follows the direction of Christ to baptise and to make disciples. In baptism we are welcomed into God’s family.

In the Uniting Church in Australia we baptise adults on a confession of faith. We also baptise infants, as we understand that God’s welcome is not dependent on our own understanding. In asking for their child to baptised, parents are making an important decision about the faith and community in which they wish the child to be raised.  It is our hope that children baptised within our congregation will at some time confirm their baptism and make the commitments that are asked of adult members.

In the baptism service, the child receives a white candle with the words: “You belong to Christ the light of the world.  May you always walk as a child of the light.  Let your light so shine before the world that all may see your good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven.”   The candle reminds us that Jesus is the ‘Light of the World’ who is at work in the life of the child. The candle is lit from the ‘Christ Candle’ in the Chapel and passed on to you. The lighted candle represents the faith in Jesus that we seek to nurture in our homes.

For baptism enquiries, please contact our Minister for more information.