May or June
May or September
World Day of Prayer
SunFest on the Village Green
Good Friday on the Village Green
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea (Cancer Council)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Kay’s Fashion Parade
Carols at Rupertswood
World Day of Prayer Originally the ‘Women’s World Day of Prayer’, the World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical prayer movement developed by Christian women as a creative response to issues of concern around the world. It is celebrated in over 170 countries, with the theme and Worship Service being prepared by women from a different country each year. In Sunbury, we join together with other churches, usually in February or March, the venue being a different church each year.
SunFest This popular annual community festival takes place on the third weekend of March every year on the Village Green. A group of hard-working volunteers from our church participates in the event by running stalls and our famous Devonshire Tea/Coffee.
Good Friday Service Each year, hundreds of people attend this ecumenical event held in a chosen venue (2024 St. Anne’s Catholic Church), which is followed by morning tea with hot cross buns. The event is organised by the Combined Churches of Sunbury Committee. The offering taken is donated to a local community charity (2024 Sunbury SES).
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Each year on a Sunday in May, our morning tea after the Service becomes part of the Cancer Council annual event Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Funds raised help the Cancer Council continue its vital work in cancer research, prevention and support services. Anyone is welcome to join us for the Service first at 9.30am, or morning tea only at 10.30am.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (John 17:21). Hearts are touched as Christians come together to pray for their unity. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an ecumenical event, celebrated by congregations all over the world. Our church gets together with other churches in Sunbury, usually in May or June, at a different church each year.
Kay’s Fashion Parade In May or September each year our UCAF (Uniting Church Adult Fellowship) holds this fundraising fashion parade in our church hall (rear of the church building – the old section). This is a time for women to view latest fashions with the opportunity to purchase after the parade. Admission is $5 which includes a door prize and afternoon tea.
Carols at Rupertswood This ecumenical event is organised by the Combined Churches of Sunbury Committee. There is a Nativity stable with real animals and the activities and entertainment include clowns, face painting, free activities for children and bands, choirs and local primary school students on stage. This is followed by the annual community singing of Christmas Carols. Food and drinks are for sale.