Combined Churches of Sunbury Inc

This group consists of members from our church and other Sunbury churches.  

The Committee organises the following events:

  • World Day of Prayer Service (March)
  • Good Friday Ecumenical Service
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service (May/June) 
  • Carols at Rupertswood

This small but dedicated band of volunteers always welcomes new members!

Contact Chris Morgan-Prosser

Combined Churches Chorale

This is an ecumenical choir which performs at the following events

  • World Day of Prayer Service (March)
  • Good Friday Ecumenical Service
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service (May/June)
  • Carols by Candlelight (Christmas on the Green)
  • Nine Lessons and Carols Service (Christmas)

The Chorale rehearses from October to June each year, meeting on Mondays at 7.30pm for ahour at St. Andrew’s Uniting Church. New singers, both men and women, are always welcome!  The ability to read music is not essential.

Contact Gwen Hutcheson